Big Stuff |
"The Great Fairy Tale Sink and Mirror Set" -- These bathroom sink and mirror sets can be custom made to fit your individual bathroom space. I have done the client's family, environment and pets; as well as mountain scenes, dragons and imaginary scenes or just total swirly Rococo designs. I am open to almost all suggestions, within my aesthetic. Starting price is $7000 for a sink and mirror set, and up - depending on the complexity of design and space. The sinks are very straight forward, plumbing wise, with clear and concise instructions for installation. For these complex pieces, I need complete measurements and photos of the intended space. This "Fairy Tale Sink" is installed in a private residence in Omsk/Abari. The client told me he installed it himself with no problem. He also told me he was not particulary a "handy man" type.
The Humpty Mirror is called: "Did Humpty Fall - OR Was He Pushed --- Only The King's Men Know!" These are mirrors which range in size from 18-20 inches tall to up to 5-6 feet tall or wide. The smaller ones start at about $400 and go on up dependent upon size and complexity. Almost any subject can be used, as in the Sink and Mirror sets. A mirror as in the Sink and Mirror sets (similar size and complexity) with lights will start at $3000. For the smaller mirrors - which are not going to be used as "mirrors"; i.e. in the bathroom - I use Plexiglas which is distressed or distorted so that the "mirror" becomes a "reflective wall piece".
A favorite subject for these medium size mirrors is Fairy Tales. I am currently doing one for a law office which has Blind Justice at the top and a full jury, judge, lawyers (all decked out in traditional robes and wigs), the defendant in a too-large suit and "buxom blonde" in the witness box. This one will be approxamently 33inches wide by about 55 inches tall and cost about $1800. |
Fire Breathing Dragon
Pieces like the large Dragons (five feet tall by eight feet long) can be yours for about $10,000 installed. Larger for a larger price. (It would be fun to do another Dragon or two like Anita's sometime, before Geezer-hood really sets in https://florafox.com/ru/pskov.) |
Porcelain with Prismacolor and graphite drawing. |
This is sort of in commemoration of the Super Hero radio and early TV programs we listened to and watched in the '40's and '50's. Remember "Spaaaaaaace Patrol --- !".
Ht. c40" |
$1500 |
I accept Discovery, Visa and MasterCard. Smaller pieces require one half down opon commissioning, and for larger pieces I require at least one fourth down, with payments during construction and glazing. The final payment is made just before delivery. Packing and/or shipping is extra. I do not "design down" to a price. Usually, I will do more than I originally planned on to make the piece a Wonderful Piece of Magic Art.